A stunning gift, the Enchanting White Rose Bouquet is a beautiful way to show someone you care. This gift features twelve white roses and greenery gathered into a floral wrap and tied with a ribbon for a gorgeous presentation. Enjoy a fantastic gift to add a touch of natural beauty to any space. Of course, you may add on your choice of wine, champagne, gourmet snacks, and more from our custom options.
This is what is included in this gift:
Bouquet - 12 White Rose Bouquet : This bouquet includes 12 white roses gathered together with Baby’s Breath, ruscus, and ferns in a floral wrap and tied with designer ribbon.
For your upcoming special occasion, if you're unsure about the perfect gift for your loved ones, look no further than our curated collection of gift baskets from Baskets Canada. Discover our selection of wine, spirits, and gourmet food gift baskets, ensuring a memorable impression! Our thoughtfully chosen assortment features popular wines and gourmet varieties bound to enchant anyone fortunate enough to receive them. Tried, tested, and trusted, these gifts are a surefire winner for any occasion. Treat your loved ones to our extensive array of gift baskets creations today!
Experienced delivery service providers will handle the delivery of your gift basket at no additional cost, both locally and across Canada! To be eligible for the free delivery, a minimum purchase (before taxes) is necessary for each delivery location.
In certain cases, the photo provided may depict an overall appearance that cannot be precisely replicated. While the actual gift basket may not perfectly match the photo, its essence will be maintained. Occasionally, substitutions of items or containers may occur due to availability of certain items, especially during special occasions. If such substitutions are necessary for the basket you have selected, rest assured that the company will ensure the theme and items are substituted with similar ones of equal or higher value.